Derby Football Academy
Promotion of the children's football academy: digital marketing strategy and execution, paid ads, SEO, website redesign, customer journey mapping, marketing analytics and customer engagement, SMM, LinkedIn Ads, content marketing, review marketing, PR and Events.
we know the rules like a pro, so we can break them like artists
  • Enhanced Online Visibility

    Optimized the academy's website content and structure to improve search engine rankings, making it easier for parents to find information about the academy online. Our SEO and digital marketing strategies led to a substantial increase in web traffic, improving the academy’s online presence and making it more accessible to prospective families.
    The website redesign and SEO improvements resulted in increased visits, providing prospective clients with a more user-friendly experience and easier access to information.
    Developed and implemented a robust digital marketing strategy to target parents and young football enthusiasts, ensuring a strong online presence.

  • Improved Awareness

    Produced high-quality content, including blog posts, videos, and newsletters, to highlight the academy’s achievements, training programs, and success stories of young footballers.
    Launched targeted paid advertising campaigns on Google, Facebook, and Instagram to reach potential students and their families, driving traffic to the academy’s website and increasing enrollment.
    Through targeted social media marketing and content creation, the academy saw a significant uptick in followers, likes, shares, and comments, fostering a more engaged community.
    The strategic use of paid ads, PR, and events helped elevate the academy’s brand recognition, making it a well-known name in the local and regional football scene.
  • Increased Enrollment

    We successfully drove a notable rise in student registrations, helping the academy welcome a greater number of aspiring young footballers.
    Ran LinkedIn ad campaigns to connect with industry professionals, potential sponsors, and partners, expanding the academy’s network and influence.

  • Positive Reviews

    Review marketing efforts garnered positive testimonials from parents and students, enhancing the academy’s reputation and credibility within the community.
    The improved visibility and positive reputation helped establish Derby Football Academy as a leading institution for children's football training, attracting young talents and fostering a supportive community for future football stars.



Now we are based in Tbilisi | Georgia
+995 599 440 173
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