russia (ST. petersburG)
Dress Up Hero
Our project involved the organization of a debut fashion collection presentation, including a planning and execution of a lookbook and campaign shoot, fashion show promotion, communication with the guests, information support and a press conference organization.
we know the rules like a pro, so we can break them like artists
  • Boosted brand profile

    Media Coverage: Secured features in local top fashion magazines and online publications, enhancing the brand’s credibility and reach.
  • Iconic and bold campaign

    Created and developed dynamic and engaging campaign content that builds excitement and drives interest in the collection.
  • Impactful fashion show

    Secured a sophisticated venue that matched the collection’s style and provided an elegant backdrop for the show. Crafted an experience with lighting and sound to enhance the collection’s presentation. Invited fashion industry professionals, influencers, and media to create buzz and facilitate networking opportunities.

  • Increased Brand Exposure

    Organized an exclusive press conference featuring the designer to discuss the collection’s inspiration and vision. Coordinated invitations for top fashion journalists, bloggers, and influencers to cover the fashion show. Prepared comprehensive press kits including press releases, designer biographies, and detailed information about the collection.



Now we are based in Tbilisi | Georgia
+995 599 440 173
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